A loving ode to films with post-apocalyptic themes, this updated edition now features more than 1,200 movie reviews, plus more than 600 images and dozens of interviews with filmmakers and actors.
From asteroids to zombies, the film and television industry has dreamed up seemingly infinite ways to end the world. Fortunately, in this definitive guide to all things apocalypse (on film), entertainment journalist david j. moore helps you navigate the abundance of post-apocalyptic films to separate the brilliant from the toxic.
Special features include • coverage of the iconic films that launched the genre (the likes of The Road Warrior, Escape from New York, and The Terminator) as well as newer smash hits (including The Hunger Games, Mad Max: Fury Road, and The Walking Dead), while devoting equal time and attention to the genre's smallest, most-obscure films; • exclusive interviews with filmmakers and actors; • a five-level rating system and a vast subgenre index to guide your post-apocalyptic binge watching; and • loads of additional content for the Restocked and Reloaded 2nd Edition, including more than 500 new reviews, more than 200 additional images, and two dozen additional interviews.
Whether you're new to the genre or a battle-hardened wasteland warrior, this gargantuan compendium will ensure that you're ready to survive the apocalypse—or at least your next movie night.