The search for the Ark of the Covenant has mystified and fascinated the world for centuries. What are the treasure-hunters, wisdom-seekers, historians, and religious zealots hoping to find? Historical answers, artistic beauty or merely fame and financial reward? In today's world, these all have material value, but the real intrinsic value of the Ark lies within the knowledge it will unveil – the Laws of God. Despite the many books and films that have pieced together various aspects of the story for entertainment, it's Henrietta Bernstein who gives you the clear, un-coded, unscripted information she uncovered from the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Rosicrucian vaults and the esoteric writings of philosopher Manly Hall. ARK OF THE COVENANT & HOLY GRAIL traces the documented path of the Ark from the days of Moses to historical settings in Egypt, King Solomon's Temple, Ethiopia and Alexandria. Each step is intertwined with accounts of Christ, Mary Magdalene, the Cathars, Rennes-le-Chateau, the Knights Templars, Glastonbury, the Middle Ages and, finally, America, where the countless signs, symbols, and sacred geometry clues are strategically placed throughout Washington DC.