Many of us have come to understand that we are indeed spiritual beings, which means of course we are energetic beings. Energy is not separated from itself so the expansion of our awareness as energy beings is, not only, possible, but inevitable. OBVIOUS POWER is about the energy mechanisms which already exist in everyone. By starting where we are, we can step beyond comfort and safety into conscious co-creation. This opens us to new awareness which opens us to new energy. Yes, even though on the surface' OBVIOUS POWER is about self-improvement, happiness, habits and attitudes, it's, also, about the energy within and how our awareness of this energy along with the use of tools such as Habitudes empower each of us to grow and evolve gracefully in a world that is constantly changing. What is a Habitude? A habitude is a combination of our habits and attitudes. Habits are what you do, attitudes shape how you respond. We get habits by repeated action. Interestingly enough, we cannot initiate an action until we have a thought. The mind acquires habits by the repetition of thought. Therefore our habits are the results of our repeated thoughts. Includes 25 everyday habitudes that turn your thoughts into action.