Science Of Mind Way To Success, Wealth And Love : A Simple Guide To Understanding The Basic Concepts Of Science Of Mind And How They Can Jump-Start Your Life
If you were to ask a hundred people the best way to be happy, you'd probably get a hundred different answers. Here's why. Not only does each person have their own perception of happiness, they, also, have their own way of finding it. The bottom line is that true happiness comes from within—not from others—and taking the first step must, also, start from within. Ernest Holmes wrote The Science Of Mind in 1926 as a guide to happiness from within that has grown to become a spiritual philosophy embraced by people around the world, based on one's individual personal power to transform their life through the power of thought. THE SCIENCE OF MIND WAY by Joan McCall now provides a simple introduction to this philosophy that will first help you tap into the source of your true happiness, then jump-start your life to new heights regardless of current relationships, finances or career. Read this simple book and redirect your road to happiness . . . . . . the Science of Mind way.