Angels, guides and ghosts

ISBN: 9781401904234

Utgiven: 2005-02-10


Språk: Engelska

Genre: Astrologi och esoterika

In this unique CD program, world-renowned psychic Sylvia Browne dispels the popular myths about angels, spirit guides, and ghosts. With her trademark candor, she explains that you "can" communicate with your angels and guides, and that they're here to help you along your journey. In addition, she covers topics from forgiveness to reincarnation, shares some of her personal experiences with these celestial beings, and provides helpful tips on effective prayer.
Sylvia also imparts methods to protect yourself from a psychic attack and determine whether your loved ones are sending you messages from the Other Side. Then, using a healing meditation, she shows you how you can unite with your angels and spirit guides whenever you choose to do so. In closing, Sylvia uses her abilities to answer audience questions and shed light on what "really" happens when we leave this plane of existence