Painting the Future

Painting the Future

ISBN: 9781401937669

Utgiven: 2012-05-01

Format: DI

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Blandat

Inspired by the writings of bestselling author Louise L. Hay, Painting the Future reveals how the thoughts we choose create the life we live. On the second floor of a low-income apartment complex loves Jonathan Page. Once an established painter, Page now lives in complete darkness, rarely leaving his apartment and angry at the world. Form the courtyard below, nine-year-old Lupe Saldana takes notice of Jonathan. Determined to save up for a dream quinceanera dress, Lupe extends herself as hired help for all the personal errands and daily chores that Jonathan can no longer do himself. Through this proposition, a friendship begins to blossom, and Lupe's optimistic innocence slowly breaks down the wall of Jonathan's guarded brokenness. Bonus material: Includes an additional hour of footage featuring Louise L. Hay and Cheryl Richardson!