Spiritual Science Of Emma Curtis Hopkins

ISBN: 9781501159060

Utgiven: 2016-08-27

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Astrologi och esoterika

In the latest addition to the popular Library of Hidden Knowledge series, Dr. Ruth Miller reveals the fundamental truths behind the work of a truly great spiritual thinker and philosopher. Emma Curtis Hopkins, a late-nineteenth century American spiritual leader and author, developed some illuminating and influential ideas about healing, the soul's relationship with God, and life's spiritual stages. Integrating current scientific, spiritual, and cultural understandings for modern-day interpretations, Miller helps you dig deep into Hopkins' influential essay Esoteric Philosophy in Spiritual Science and summarizes her twelve lessons for exploring one's spirituality. Alongside the original text, this book presents an easy-to-read, updated version of Hopkins' most inspiring works, connecting old principles to the modern world. It also illuminates Hopkins' core message by guiding you through exercises and summary points of each essay. Drawing on religions and philosophies from around the world, The Spiritual Science of Emma Curtis Hopkins will shift your thinking from passive acceptance to practical application of this leader's transformative ideas. Release your inner wisdom; cultivate spiritual power.