When I Was Young I Said I Would Be Happy Dvd

ISBN: 9781582706276

Utgiven: 2017-06-25

Format: DI

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Blandat

In 1994, one million people were murdered in the Rwandan genocide, leaving one million orphans to survive. An estimated 90% of Rwandans were left traumatised. WHEN I WAS YOUNG I SAID I WOULD BE HAPPY, is the transformational story of the first group of 12 orphaned genocide survivors who take part in a new form of sustainable humanitarian aid called Project LIGHT.  WHEN I WAS YOUNG I SAID I WOULD BE HAPPY shows the impact of PTSD on individuals and on a society where dissociation is so extreme it passes as unremarkable. The film illuminates new possibilities for global healing when those in need are provided resources addressing body, mind, and spirit. In only two short years, the first Project LIGHT ambassadors paid forward their healing to hundreds - from Rwanda to Sandy Hook, Connecticut. · 2014 Finalist of the Moondance International Film Festival · Official Selection of the 2015 Unspoken Human Rights Film Festival · Official Selection of the 2015 Illuminate Film Festival · Official Selection of the 2015 New York Peace Film Festival Runtime: 109 mins