Soulful Wisdom Deck : Cards for Women Who do Too Much

ISBN: 9781582707068

Utgiven: 2019-05-06


Språk: Engelska

Genre: Blandat

Inside every woman is a spark of vitality. Sometimes the ups and downs of daily life stifle the inner flame needed to change the world. True self-care is necessary in order for one to push forward, nurturing not just the body, but the mind and spirit as well. Using the themes of Balance, Change, Awareness and Creativity, the principles of the SOULFUL WISDOM DECK will rejuvenate and inspire women who need an energetic boost. With beautifully designed images and daily affirmations, the user taps into Divine guidance and their own intuition, to support the pursuit of their passions and dreams. Only when this inner strength is bolstered can women truly flourish in all areas of their lives. 50 full colour cards & 160-page guidebook