Key to tarot - from suits to symbolism: advice and exercise to unlock your

Key to tarot - from suits to symbolism: advice and exercise to unlock your

ISBN: 9781592337101

Utgiven: 2015-09-23

Format: Kartonnage

Språk: Engelska


Unlock your own innate psychic potential with the art of Tarot. Shrouded in mystery, the tarot was once thought to have been a set of sacred tablets of mystical wisdom saved from the ruins of an ancient Egyptian burning temple. It is now considered to be a symbolic mirror of opportunity that can help you to make crucial decisions, confirm your true desires for the future, and enhance self-understanding. A powerful mystical tool, the tarot's imagery is a symbolic universal language which you can quickly learn to understand and which will unlock your own innate psychic potential. "The Key to Tarot" is a step-by-step guide to learning to read and interpret this mystical deck of seventy-eight cards. Learn to develop your own innate intuitive powers in the art of Tarot. This book uses a combination of detailed background information and fun, simple, interactive lessons and exercises to help you build up your skills and learn all there is to know about reading the Tarot and using it for the benefit of yourself and others. In addition, each of the book's four main sections concludes with a specially designed "masterclass" that takes you to a deeper level of understanding, if you feel ready to do so.