An Earthquake is A Shaking of the Surface of the Earth

ISBN: 9781593767839

Utgiven: 2024-11-19

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska



In An Earthquake Is a Shaking of the Surface of the Earth, an unnamed narrator struggles to regain the ability to walk after a sudden seismic event has rendered unpredictable shifts and undulations in the ground.

Convinced of a need to find and kill her younger housemate, Tala, who has disappeared, the narrator struggles physically and psychically to contend with her homicidal task in the wake of failure as a Method actor.

The narrator travels back in time and out into a dust-covered, shadowy city, where she is targeted by charismatic 'healing' ideologues with uncertain motives. Torn between a paranoid suspicion of internalized, toxic language, and a desperate attempt to find stability and feel something like whole, she is forced to question familiar figurations of light, shadow, authenticity, and voice, taking tentative steps toward a new understanding of self and world.