Ask The Right Questions, Hire The Best People

ISBN: 9781601631084

Utgiven: 2010-03-26

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska


In this completely updated new edition, the best-selling author of 101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions and 101 Smart Questions to Ask on Your Interview takes you step-by-step through the hiring process. Whether you're replacing an employee who's leaving or creating a new position in your organisation, Ron Fry shows you how to write a concise and accurate job description, identify key competencies and translate them into a realistic set of search criteria. ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, HIRE THE BEST PEOPLE. also. shows you: · How to attract the best applicants. · What to look for when you're screening CVs, in your office or online. · What questions you should ask in the interview...and when to ask them. · How to listen more effectively to what the applicant is really telling you. · How to probe for information the applicant doesn't want to reveal.