With increasing demands at work and at home, the pace of life has become much faster in the past few decades. More and more people struggle with fulfilling all the expectations they are faced with, and start feeling stressed, anxious or depressed, to the point of burnout or breakdown. Mary has based her unique and ground breaking book on her successes throughout her career. Writing, designing and delivering many hundreds of classes, courses and workshops for countless patients and clients suffering the ill effects of stress, anxiety and depression Mary discovered what were the most effective and beneficial therapies and techniques to bring about a full recovery. Mary also found that just one technique or skill or therapy alone was not as effective as combining several different coping strategies chosen and tailored to suit individual needs. Here, in her innovative book, the reader will discover what works best for them with a pick & mix approach. The contents are varied and wide ranging. One day you will be learning how to control anxiety, the next discovering a new method of relaxation, and on another drawing up an effective plan to organize your day. If you are looking to step out of the stress cycle and regain your balance, this tailored 12-week programme offers great support along the way. Each day presents you with relaxation, reflections and exercises to facilitate a positive change in your life. You will build your awareness with mindfulness, gain a better understanding on what causes stress and how to handle it and find solutions for managing anxiety and panic attacks, for boosting your self-esteem and directions for the future. Relaxation and breathing exercises will help you to relax; meditation, visualisation and affirmations promote calm and reconnect you with your essence; yoga and other exercises support your body and mind; and practical tools such as goal setting and prioritising assist you in organising your life in a way that really serves you.