Everything vibrates. Everything in the body vibrates at its own special frequency. This is scientific fact. When we are thrown out of balance through physical, emotional or psychic shocks, ourbody and psyche can weaken or overload, creating distorted and unbalanced vibrations. The Chinese have known this for centuries and the recognition of this is the basis for the traditional healing art of Acupuncture and Kinesiology. Through the pioneering work of auditory psychic, Sharry Edwards, a very unique sound therapy system has developed. Low frequency sound waves are fed back to the body via the brain to re-mind the body what the original healthy frequency was. When the sound waves that you most need are played to you, they balance these peaks and troughs to bring the mind and body back to a harmonious state. In this state, healing can take place. Through the work of Sharry and others, the unique vibrational frequencies of the spine were established. It was discovered that the notes and related colours along the spine remain the same for most people. SPINE VIBRATIONS can be used for regeneration and as a general tonic for the nervous system by listening to it in its entirety. If you know the trouble spot e.g. neck and shoulders or T5, you can listen repeatedly to one or several frequencies for this. The vocal messages were channelled intuitively by Karen Grace through the consciousness of each colour vibration. The key of each music track matches the underlying tones and the energy of the music matches the energy of the colours. Tuning into the colours and how they make you feel can help develop your intuition and awareness of the messages of subtle energy around you. Runtime: 1 Hour