Gift Of Love : The Spiritual Nature and Meaning of Love

ISBN: 9781889051857

Utgiven: 2012-11-30

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska


“Joel Goldsmith's inspired and profoundly inspiring books represent a vital contribution to the spiritual awakening of humanity.” ECKHART TOLLE    “I have an 8x10 picture of Joel Goldsmith on my writing table. I feel his presence with me everyday . . . I consider Joel to be one of my most important teachers. His wisdom guides me in all of my work.”           WAYNE DYER, Author of The Power of Intention    As people grow and change, so grows their love. Not just in physical terms, but in spiritual and emotional terms as well. This can be a painful transition that yearns for a foundation to rest upon whether basking in love's glow or wallowing through the lonely times of solitude and isolation. Regardless of where one may be at any moment, the reality is that love is there with the potential to elevate any soul to the highest level of happiness. Joel S. Goldsmith recognised this potential and in THE GIFT OF LOVE he shares his intimate views on love, Christ and the eternal challenge faced by anyone seeking to transcend the material world and resonate in the peacefulness of love.   THE GIFT OF LOVE is a very special selection of enlightening meditations by Joel S. Goldsmith on the spiritual nature, meaning and possibilities of love. This beautiful volume insightfully presents the power that love holds out to each of us to transform ourselves and our world.