Zen trash - the irreverent & sacred teaching stories of lee lozowick

ISBN: 9781890772215

Utgiven: 2002-06-01

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska


Teaching stories from world religions compiled from twenty-five years of spiritual teacher Lozowick's world-wide seminars. Parables and koans have been vivid, essential elements in all spiritual paths and religions for over three thousand years. Such stories make a more dynamic impression than religious scriptures, codes or laws because they are designed to shock listeners into paying attention. Consequently, the stories stick with us, revealing deeper layers of hidden meaning, evolving with our own spiritual maturity. The stories compiled here confound and challenge conventional religious seriousness. Read about the 'new' exploits of Tibetans Marpa and Milarepa; what Jesus said to St. Peter that the Gospels didn't record; why Zen master Nanzen cut his cat in half, and what it means for the year 2002; the uncensored love of Hindu poetess Mirabai for Lord Krishna.