YOUR YOGA BIRTHGUIDE is unique in creating a yoga for the entire period of pregnancy and birth. Where other manuals adapt postures for this special time, YOUR YOGA BIRTHGUIDE shows that it is a time for approaching the exercises and postures with finely-tuned sensitivity. Far from being a time to restrict yoga, there is understanding to be had about yoga (which means 'union') through doing the right postures at this time. The yoga programme in YOUR YOGA BIRTHGUIDE is intended to aid conception, nurture the baby, develop sensitive understanding with the unborn child, and understand the value of postures in the postnatal stage, for mother and baby alike. There is also a role for fathers in this process. Yoga in pregnancy, properly practised, is a real aid to the experience of birth. Written by a yoga teacher and a midwife, both of them mothers, YOUR YOGA BIRTHGUIDE is a tremendous sourcebook of information and wisdom. As a yoga-in-pregnancy guide, the combination of teacher and midwife makes it unique and unbeatable.