Brain Wave Vibration: Getting Back Into The Rhythm Of A Happy, Healthy Life (4 Cd)

ISBN: 9781935127079

Utgiven: 2010-04-09


Språk: Engelska

Genre: Hälsa, skönhet och sex

Catch the wave of the powerful brain fitness training that has already transformed thousands of lives. This audio presentation of BRAIN WAVE VIBRATION provides tips for practice and a complete, easy-to-follow training session, as well as profound insights into the nature of human happiness and fulfilment. More than a physical training technique, BRAIN WAVE VIBRATION is a call to action, a plea to uncover the vast abilities that lie within your brain. Listen to the inspiring words of Ilchi Lee as you discover a simple path of natural healing toward brain enhancement, renewed vitality and genuine fulfilment. (cdxm, cdxh)