The Swedish Companies Act : an introduction

Översättare: Reuven Ben-Dor

ISBN: 9789139012405

Utgiven: 2007-04-22

Format: Häftad

Språk: Svenska

Genre: Juridik


In order to maintain the confidence of shareholders and the market, a company must have a good understanding of company law regulations. This introduction focuses on the rules applicable to most small and medium-sized companies and, together with the text of the Act, is an excellent handbook for both owners and company management. The new, modernized 2005 Companies Act is both lucid and easy to comprehend.

Many companies operate in fast-growing markets or on markets wherecompanies active in mergers and acquisitions can grow quite quickly. Consequently, the book also contains clear information about applicable rules for larger companies.

The book is also suitable for lawyers, accountants and others who, in theircapacities as advisors to companies, often need to summarize fundamentalcompany law regulations for their clients. It is published in English as a complement for companies operating internationally who need to describe Swedish company law in English.