Signal Theory

ISBN: 9789144073286

Utgiven: 2011-08-24

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Teknik

Signal theory provides a mathematical toolbox for modeling and analysis of physical systems. Stochastic processes are used to model more or less unknown signals. Signal theory has applications in communication engineering, signal processing, automatic control, medical engineering, and more. This tables and formulas booklet is intended as a complement to the book Signal Theory by the same author. It provides important definitions and relations in compact form. It also provides tables of explicit Fourier transforms, both one and twodimensional, in both continuous and discrete time. The booklet together with the book Signal Theory is suitable for an advanced course on engineering aspects of stochastic processes. The intention of providing this booklet is that it could be used in problem solving classes and possibly as an allowed aid at written exams. The booklet and the mentioned book are intended for engineering students with a background in probability theory on one hand and signals and systems on the other hand. No prior knowledge of stochastic processes is assumed. Signal Theory