Project model LIPS

ISBN: 9789144075266

Utgiven: 2011-08-24

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Management


This book presents a practical tool for project management, the LIPS model, developed by Linköping University as a result of the participation in the CDIO Initiative. For ten years, the model has been used, tested and further developed in over thousand projects and examinations of engineers at Linköping University.

The model introduces the phases, definitions, documents and decision flow needed for efficiently running a project. The three steps of the model are clearly described, including the project preparation and planning, the project execution, and the project delivery and evaluation phase. For all project documents there are electronic templates available online. The templates include instructions of use and examples of headlines, and aim to decrease the time it takes to produce and review the documents.

The model is scalable and can be applied to project courses with differing levels of complexity. It is particularly suitab-le for final year projects, but may just as well be applied from first year undergraduate to small industrial projects.

A Swedish version is available here

Projektmodellen Lips