Profitable Growth - Business Finance in Practice

ISBN: 9789147072972

Utgiven: 2003-07-24

Format: Häftad

Språk: Svenska


How is profitable business created? The purpose of this book is to explain and make practical use of financial theories and concepts that are important for a growing company.

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Profitable Growth has a practical approach using a large number of examples. It highlights questions such as: Why is growth of such importance and how do we measure it? What resources are needed for growth? What is the right price? How can a company grow in a controlled way? What investments are profitable? How do we get positive cash flow? Which key figures are used and when? What should our company do and not do?

Om författarna
Jan-Olof Andersson is a consultant and a teacher. Olle Edsbäcker is an instructor in business finance. Anders Nyby is a consultant.