Christian and gay : totally okay!

Översättare: B.J. Woodstein

ISBN: 9789152798072

Utgiven: 2024-05-05

Format: Storpocket

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Religion


The question of whether it is okay to be gay has been discussed intensely in the church for a long time, perhaps even back when Jesus was walking around in short trousers! Are you curious about an LGBTQ+-friendly reading of the Bible but can’t cope with a dry, boring thesis about biblical verses, Paul and his times, and the ancient Romans’ sexual ethics? In that case, this is the book for you. Together with prawns and old philosophers in togas, we’ll go through what you need to know about the Bible, theology and history, in order to answer the question of whether it’s okay to be Christian and gay. Yes, it’s totally okay, so come on a journey to learn more!

Johanna Wikberg lives in Gothenburg and is a theologian and ordained minister in the Church of Sweden. From 2017-2021, she was the chair of EKHO (the Swedish national organisation for Christian LGBTQ+ people), and she frequently gives lectures about queer theology and LGBTQ+ inclusion in the church.