Dana Marouf (born 1962) is a writer and director. He grew up in Iraqi Kurdistan and came to Sweden in 1993. He had been in prison in Baghdad for a year, but managed to be released despite being sentenced to death. Dana Marouf wrote an acclaimed article about the panic in prison when the U.S. dropped its bombs during the Gulf War in 1991. Dana Marouf has studied acting and directing at the Theatre Academy in Baghdad and is now working as a drama educator and writer in Stockholm, Sweden. Other books by Dana Marouf are on Kurdish »Grymhetens teater« (1988), »Den talande bilden« (1995), Strindbergs Spöksonaten – från Max Reinhart till Ingmar Bergman« (2001), »Peter Brook i den moderna teatern« (2003), »Teater i Sverige« (2006) and in Swedish »Tillstånd och tillblivelse: Lång dags färd mot natt – från kollationering till föreställning«, (2008).