I'm a Cebra on the digitized savanna - are you? : how to succeed in the digitized working life

Formgivare: Curt Frisemo

ISBN: 9789163715679

Utgiven: 2016-04-30

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Management

Leading myself in the new and digitized working life – help! How do I go about it? Feel a bit​ lost in the new society and working life, where the life off- and online is integrated? Want to be a digital literate to avoid exclusion? Want to know how to succeed in the new working life and at the same time feel healthy wealthy joyful? Cathrin Frisemo, with a degree in Medical Science, has more than 20 years experience working with leadership and work organization and its impact on health and joyfulness. She is also the author of “WIFL- Work In Fake Life – Your Guide to the Digital Working Life”. Cathrin has followed her path throughout​ life, and in an inspiring encouraging way she is sharing her knowledge in this book for you to: Get an overview of new society and working life See your opportunities in the new world of work Get tools to re-connect and use your inner GPS for navigation Find out how to successfully lead your life joyfully your way Be a Cebra! Be the Cebra you are and succeed! Sounds simple and not that easy, but no worries, this book will help you find your answers! Grab a copy and enjoy a Cebra-life while alive! Join Cathrin Frisemo and other Cebras to engage and network sharing your tools and experiences on social medias: The blog Imacebra.com, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Youtube.