Do you want to cure the egoists around you, create a positive working environment or save our planet from short-term thinking? It all begins with cooperation. How to Cure an Egoist is a concrete handbook with 101 research-based training tips for creating sustainable teams, workplaces and perhaps even societies. Learn how to achieve this through examples that include Super Marie, Lord of the Rings and Fortune 500 companies. The book was awarded Project management book of the year 2018 in Sweden. Motivated employees have fewer sick days, generate more economic value for their organisation and deliver higher quality, according to studies by the Gallup consultancy company. However, you cannot order someone to be motivated. Nor is it enough for them to hear "good job" now and again. Well- intentioned positive feedback may even have the opposite effect if the person feels they are being trained like a dog. Most people want to feel autonomous and learn from their own experiences - so how does this sound: letting employees motivate themselves? Instead of assigning this task to a single person or manager, the entire organisation can be built up to create the right conditions for motivation. A person obtains the most feedback from their work tasks and closest colleagues, and a well-designed workplace is based upon eight simple principles for cooperation. The result is a working environment that is both healthy and motivational. The book has been written by the team behind Psykologifabriken, which helps organisations become happier places. Oskar Henrikson is the lead author and has written the chapters, while everyone on the team has written the training tips from their psychological gym Habitud. PSYKOLOGI FABRIKEN