Nordic Museum : the building

Översättare: Alan Crozier

Formgivare: Susanne Viborg

ISBN: 9789171085979

Utgiven: 2017-06-12

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Kulturhistoria och allmän humaniora

The main building of the Nordic Museum on the island of Djurgården in Stockholm is an architectural landmark. The huge edifice can be seen from far off, from all angles, and when one comes closer one can discern fascinating details of artistic expression, material, and craft skill. The architect Isak Gustaf Clason made allusions to several different historical styles when he designed the building at the end of the nineteenth century. Today the building is instead historical in the sense that it so clearly manifests its own time. This book, based on notes, drawings and pictures from the museums archives, tells of the entire structure, its character, its construction history, and its world of references.