ISBN: 9789172235885
Utgiven: 2014-09-11
Format: Häftad
Språk: Engelska
Genre: Juridik
Boken är avsedd att användas på utbildningar i juridik, logistik och sjöfartsekonomi samt vänder sig till alla som arbetar med transporträtt.
Svante O. Johansson är justitieråd i Högsta domstolen.
The globalized world of today with intense trade between different parts of the world brings the importance of transports to the forefront. Therefore transport law has become more important.
The book gives an introduction to modern transport law as it outlines the essentials of this complex legal area. The purpose of this book is to give an accessible guide to the central questions such as contracts, documents and liability in carriage of goods and in carriage of passengers. The composition is mainly based on international conventions. The Swedish statutory legislation is based on those international conventions. Together the different rules form a complicated pattern that form transport law. Throughout the book comparisons between rules for different modes of carriage – sea, railway, air and road – are made in order to point out similarities and differences in the legal patterns.
The grandstand of the book’s audience are law students. However, the book is also meant to be used by students of logistics, economics and master mariners as well as it can be of use to those who deal with transport law in their day to day work.
Svante O. Johansson was appointed Justice of the Supreme Court of Sweden in 2011. Before his appointment he was Professor of Maritime and Transport law at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Adjunct Professor at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo, Norway.