Philosophical aspects on emotions

Redaktör: Åsa Carlsson

ISBN: 9789172350533

Utgiven: 2005-01-01

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Filosofi och idéhistoria

The essays in this volume arise from the 6th symposium of the newwork Nordic Women in Philosophy, the topic of which was Philosophical aspects of emotions. CONTENTS: BARBARA HERMAN: Transforming Incentives. Feelings and the Making of the Kantian Moral Agent JOHAN BRÄNNMARK: Commentary to Tranforming Incentives: Feelings and the Making of the Kantian Moral Agent CAMILLA SERCK-HANSSEN: Radical Evil and Self Love in Kants Theory of Agency FREDRIKA SPINDLER: Commentary to Radical Evil and Self Love in Kants Theory of Agency FLOORA RUOKONEN: Iris Murdoch on Love KATE LARSON: Iris Murdochs Concept of Love LENA HALLDENIUS: The Immorality of Emotional Response. Liberty and the Slavery Metaphor in Wollstonecrafts Theory of Property? MARTINA REUTER: Mary Wollstonecraft on Love and Friendship PETER NILSSON: Hume and Smith on Sympathy ULLA M. HOLM: Can Envy be a Moral Emotion? KATARINA ELAM: Commentary to Can Envy be a Moral Emotion? JANET L. BORGERSON: Ressentiment and the Desire for Power. Further Reflections on the Phenomenology of Oppression WENCHE MARIT QUIST: Understanding Conscience. Conscience as a Guide to Selfhood in Kierkegaard and Heidegger MARCIA SÁ CAVALCANTE SCHUBACK: Commentary to Understanding Conscience Conscience as a Guide to Selfhood in Kierkegaard and Heidegger LISA KÄLL: Kinaesthesis, Self-Affection and the Dual Structure of the Body ULRIKA BJÖRK: Feelings from a Phenomenological Point of View ÅSA CARLSON: Intentionality and the Emotions MIKKO SALMELA: Emotional Feelings as Twofold Representations CAMILLA KRONQVIST: Emotions and Our Understanding of Ourselves and Others The Most Beautiful Girl in the World MICHAEL MCEACHRANE: Are Emotions Cognitive or What? LORENZO CASINI: Imagination and the Arousal of Emotions LEILA HAAPARANTA: Can Hope Have Reasons? ANNA PETRONELLA FREDLUND: Commentary to Can Hope Have Reasons