Financial markets in transition : globalization, investment and economic growth

ISBN: 9789172976535

Utgiven: 2004-01-29

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Ekonomi

Titeln har från den 4 juni 2013 tagits över av Studentlitteratur. Du finner mer information på Studentlitteraturs webbplats >> Global financial markets are on the threshold of a new age. After decades of dramatic transformation in national financial markets and financial services industries, a more or less perfectly integrated and globalized system has emerged. Financial Markets in Transition uses empirical analysis of financial markets in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden - including comparisons with the markets of the US, UK, Germany and Japan- to withdraw important conclusions about the different pace at which small national financial systems are adapting to global financial intergration.

Lars Oxelheim emphasises the interaction between politicians and markets, and pin-poinst bond market inefficiencies and risk premiums as key factors between economic and corporate competitive performance during and after the phase of transition.