Are you ready for the wedding feast?

Omslagsillustratör: Beatrice Persson

ISBN: 9789175271392

Utgiven: 2016-08-01

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Religion

As many serious errors have crept into the teaching given by many churches and Bible schools, the Lord has led me to write this book, “Are You Ready for the Wedding Feast?”
 This book is a profound study of some Bible areas in order to let the Word explain itself.
 Many people try to interpret the Bible through their own intellect, without revelation knowledge from God through His Holy Spirit. That is why we have been deceived and shattered.
 What hinders revival is if we, who call ourselves Christians, do not speak and live our life in accordance with God’s Word. The Lord wants us to be completely united with Him and His Word. God’s goal for us is to grow up to Christ’s likeness, during our trial period here on earth.
 Ephesians 4:13 – till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God (God’s Son’s faith and knowledge), to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
 If we live consistent with the Lord and all of His Word, we are united with each other. Thoughts and opinions, which revolt against God and His Word, must be cast down. The first thing that the fallen spirit world, namely the devil and the other fallen angels, does to defeat “God’s people” is to attack the Word of God.
 Are we righteous and holy and ready for the wedding feast? This book will reveal to us.