Exploring the impact of landslides on past human communities, their landscapes, and their material remains, this thesis focuses on the most landslide-prone region of Sweden: the Göta River Valley. It is argued that through a multi-source methodology and by employing ideas concerning geoculturality and disasterscapes, we can begin to approach the lived experiences of the both distant and near past. The thesis further outlines the risk posed by landsliding to cultural heritage and archaeological sites, a threat that is significantly exacerbated by the ongoing processes of anthropogenic climate change. Comprising five research papers, each dealing with different aspects of landslide archaeology within Western Sweden from prehistory and into the present day, this compilation thesis is a contribution to the study of past hazards and disasters that has relevance on both a regional, national, and international level. This is a doctoral thesis in Archaeology with General Specialisation at Stockholm University, Sweden 2023