The Disregarded Witness : The Murder of Olof Palme and the Estonia Catastro

ISBN: 9789180808972

Utgiven: 2025-02-26

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Samhälle, politik och debatt

Who actually arrived first at the site where Olof Palme was assassinated the 28th of February 1986?

Early on in testimonies from first hand witnesses a "stripling" was observed to have been by the side of the fallen person. This "stripling" somehow vanished in subsequent interrogations, for reasons unknown. But in the year of 2023 the "stripling" reemerged and wished to put forth his experiences. His name is Robert Barestrand and was 16 years old at the time of the assassination in the year 1986.

His accounts of the events he experienced during his juvenile years will be presented in an unadulterated manner, depicting how Robert came to the insight of whom the murder was arranged by, and furthermore, why. Robert also gained realisation into what really happened to the M/V Estonia, which perished in the Baltic Sea on the 28th of September 1994...

This is a story of an adolescent's journey, which saw a juvenile getting entangled too deep inside the events which, in modern history, constitute the Swedish nation's darkest hours...