The incredible journey : east indiaman Götheborg - salvage, shipbuilding, sailing

Formgivare: Johanna Olausson

Formgivare: Sebastia Pettersson

ISBN: 9789186687779

Utgiven: 2022-07-04

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Teknik


When marine archaeologists excavated the wreck of the East Indiaman Götheborg at Hunnebådan, surprising finds were found in the form of whole porcelain pieces and parts of the hull. This gave birth to an incredible idea: to build a full-size replica of the ship.


In the summer of 1995, as the keel was laid at building birth number six at Eriksberg, with a silver coin for happiness and prosperity in the scarf joint, there were probably many who doubted it was possible.


However, the project progressed, and the site was soon covered by a purpose-built hall where the ship grew under tight economic conditions. Everyone, from SOIC’s management to the craftsmen, worked wonders in finding various sources of financing for the project. The royal family’s participation in the launch and naming ceremony, as well on arrival in Canton, added lustre to this incredible project.


The book describes the technical and financial challenges faced by the shipbuilders, and how solutions were found to maintain an ambitiously high standard. The author, Joakim Severinson, is the only person to be involved in the project from the initial excavation dives to the present day.