Tá-Shi-Ná : little sunbeam

ISBN: 9789186799922

Utgiven: 2014-09-16

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Astrologi och esoterika

Suddenly the magic of life surprised me with an extraordinary gift – a ticket to a distant exotic destination, where I unexpectedly met this old man, who asked me to help him bring his Spiritual Testament to the world. 
His weather-beaten wrinkled face showed wisdom, that was earned through many challenging experiences and he told me he wasn´t educated by any school, only the hard school of life. His Being radiated goodness and in his face I saw one of the ancient mystic souls, who has incarnated through many different epochs in the history of Mother Earth. 
During amazing sunrises and sunsets in the horizon, he shared his overwhelming story, which gave us both a flashback through eras of darkness and light. The story triggered old hidden emotional memories inside and started a deep healing process in both of us.