Haga : the park and the visions

Haga : the park and the visions

ISBN: 9789187007859

Utgiven: 2015-09-08

Format: Danskt band

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Kulturhistoria och allmän humaniora


What would Haga Park have looked like today if Swedish King Gustav III had survived the shot at the masquerade ball on March 16, 1792? Drawings and construction plans give us some idea. The English park was the new trend in Europe and Brunnsviken's varied nature was exceptionally suitable for such a park. Thus, Haga was thought of as a future Venice, an oasis where water channels would flow through the landscape and the king would spend his leisure time. Take an excursion to Haga and bring the book as a guide to see history unfold as told in the book. Or stay at home and let the text and images tell the fascinating story of Haga.

This book is the work of the stone conservator Rikard Larsson.