Mariefred : the town, the castle, the surroundings

Illustratör: Harry Karlsson

Översättare: Gareth Mills

ISBN: 9789187119958

Utgiven: 2017-07-31

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Geografi och resor

Mariefred belongs to those idyllic, small Swedish towns such as Sigtuna and Trosa. A book about the town and the castle is therefore of great interest to Swedish and overseas visitors. The well-known Swedish author Ulla Trenter, a resident of Mariefred for many years, brings to life the past in her text and highlights the attractions of the town and its surroundings. Mariefred artist, Harry Karlsson, in his many illustrations also does justice to this charming small town’s buildings and street life.