ANCIENT ALPINE SPRUCES – life and history

ISBN: 9789187309083

Utgiven: 2013-04-05

Format: Häftad

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Allmän naturvetenskap

With ages of at least 9500 years, the spruces Old Tjikko on Mt. Fulufjället and Old Rasmus on Mt. Sonfjället, have aroused great interest and excitement all over the world. Here we tell about the life and history of these and other ancient alpine spruces – living links to the past. We explain how the spruces could attain such remarkable old ages and how they are affected by shifting climatic conditions. Welcome to take part of the fascinating life of the ancient alpine spruces. About the authors: Lisa Öberg is an alpine ecologist with a Ph.D in biology – studies of these old spruces are one of the themes in her Ph.D dissertation. Leif Kullman is professor in physichal geography, with his research much focused on alpine treelines, including the history of spruce in the high mountains.