Facilitating and straining factors affecting the health and sustainability of young managers in a modern mining industry : self-fulfilment and development - a buffer for young managers?
The importance of good leadership for the functioning and performance of organizations is well-established. Hence, attracting, retaining, and developing talented managers is vital to the success of companies. Recent research indicates that young professionals tend to be more hesitant to take on leadership roles. However, the reason for this is largely unexplored. Research on working conditions and health for young managers, especially in heavy industries, is also scarce. This qualitative case study, which is part of a larger project, analyzes 10 in-depth interviews with managers under the age of 35 at a large mining industry in northern europe. It uncovers factors affecting young managers’ health and motivation, shedding light on some of the unique challenges they face. The findings offer insights for organizations to create sustainable, healthy working conditions for young managers. Understanding their career perspectives, work values, and conditions is essential for successful recruitment and retention of young leadership talent. The authors bring expertise from various fields, including leadership, worker health, sociology, organizational psychology, safety, risk management, and mining industries.