Bank of the future : openness, simplicity, care

Fotograf: Adam Mørk

Översättare: Dorte H. Silver

Redaktör: Julie Cirelli

ISBN: 9789187543142

Utgiven: 2014-12-19

Format: Klotband

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Konst

Through an innovative interpretation of their client's core values, 3XN materializes the ideas of openness, simplicity and care in a modern office space for Swedbank's new headquarters in Stockholm. Author Thomas Dickson explores how 3XN's emphasis on transparency, Scandinavian simplicity and a dynamic social environment creates an inviting democratic space while reducing energy consumption. The new headquarters has been awarded a Gold certification from Miljöbyggnad, the Swedish sustainability rating system, supporting Swedbank's core values of social and environmental sustainability.