Kosmologiska pilar / Cosmological arrows

Kosmologiska pilar / Cosmological arrows

Formgivare: Oscar Guermouche

Redaktör: Jerry Määttä

Formgivare: Sandra Praun

Redaktör: Caroline Elgh Klingborg

ISBN: 9789188031822

Utgiven: 2019-08-30

Format: Flexband

Språk: Svenska

Genre: Konst


Cosmological Arrows / Kosmologiska Pilar was published on the occasion of the exhibition Cosmological Arrows at Bonniers Konsthall in Stockholm, 2019. Both the exhibition and the publication aim to be springboards for artistic ideas and visions that challenge our usual way of seeing the world, and perhaps suggest new approaches on how to understand it. These thoughts permeate the artworks and texts presented in Cosmological Arrows, where space and the science fiction genre are an imaginary laboratory that becomes the point of departure for discussions regarding the ethical, moral and existential dilemmas of our times. Published in collaboration with Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden.