The touch of Nordic light

The touch of Nordic light

ISBN: 9789188097651

Utgiven: 2017-11-28

Format: Danskt band

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Lyrik


The Touch of Nordic Light speaks of a journey of the heart. It speaks of the power of love to bring us alive and open us to pain, as well as to joy, and take us to places we might not have expected. It speaks of living in the Stockholm archipelago where the beauty and light can conjure the heart and offer a source of inspiration and solace. 

These are challenging times. We know all is not well. The earth itself, just like our hearts, is calling for awareness, wisdom and love. You could say our hearts are being called to awaken and our consciousness is being called to evolve – that we are being asked to find and follow a guiding light within. Not always an easy path, but one that this work, in its small way, seeks to illuminate. 

And when there’s not much time for reading, it can be beautiful, even consoling, simply to open the book at random, and see what is revealed. For The Touch of Nordic Light is in essence a companion of the heart.

choose life said my heart

choose aliveness in this moment

a softening came to the body

a smile to the face

a gift of gentle luminosity

on a dark winter’s day

in the North