This is a time travel book like no other! For example, it details what entering time looks like, both for the traveler and the observer. A true mind-bender.Are these the journals of a true time traveler? I mean it is. I haveknown the author since 2003 and have experienced manystrange things in my encounters with him. Without him, Iwould never have noticed how time in a room can make thesounds outside suddenly stop, or how one stretch of road cantake a different amount of time even though there is the sametraffic and the same speed in both directions.Certainly he has recounted in many parts at a level above mysimple popular science, but that hasn't stopped me going alongfor the ride. The episodes are experiential, and I read the bookas if it were a loaded novel.You can't read the journals of a time traveler without beingmoved. I had no idea how wearing it can be when relationshipsjust have to be cut off, so as not to violate the laws of time travel.I would say that the laws of time can be cruel to those who havethe freedom to step out of time and into another.