Martha Nussbaum : ancient philosophy, civic education and liberal humanism

Redaktör: Anders Burman

Redaktör: Synne Myrebøe

ISBN: 9789188663849

Utgiven: 2019-11-25

Format: Danskt band

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Filosofi och idéhistoria

From texts first published in 1972 up to her most recent work, this volume consists of seven articles that discuss Martha Nussbaum’s work focusing on her treatments of ancient philosophy, civic education and liberal humanism. The volume provides a general overview of these three aspects of Nussbaum’s philosophy and raises some concerns and critical questions about specific parts of her work. In addition, the volume is thematically organized; some articles deal with Nussbaum’s readings and uses of ancient philosophers—specifically, Heraclitus, Plato and Aristotle, respectively—while the others examine her views on liberal education, cosmopolitanism, human rights and aging. As one of our time’s most influential philosophers, Martha Nussbaum displays the relevance of philosophy for contemporary political and ethical concerns. Engaging with her philosophical work brings to light some of the most pressing questions of our time.