The Future of Intelligence and Espionage

The Future of Intelligence and Espionage

Redaktör: Mattias Hessérus

Redaktör: Kurt Almqvist

ISBN: 9789188717009

Utgiven: 2018-04-18

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Samhälle, politik och debatt

The essays in this anthology stem from the seminar The Future of Intelligence and Espionage, that took place at Rhodes House, Oxford on the 18th of March 2016, arranged by the Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation for Public Benefit. The seminar was divided into three parts: The History of Intelligence, The Making of a Spy and The Future of Intelligence and Espionage and the essays deal with the past, present and the future of intelligence and espionage. Good intelligence is essential for the security of Nations, but it is often a rare commodity. Its gathering involves a number of complications but essentially boils down to the question of whether the information can be trusted.