Law in the Era of Artificial Intelligence indudes a collection of papers
presented at the 35th Nordic Conference on Law and Information Technology.
The Conference was held in Stockholm in November 2020
and had the title 'Law in the Era of Artificial lntelligence'. It examined
the manner in which legal concepts, developed for a non-digital context,
can continue to be applied in the era of artificial intelligence. The
Nordic Yearbook of Law and Informatics 2020-2021 explores the above
theme and is divided into four parts: data protection, transparency,
liability and regulation.
The Nordic Yearbook of Law and Informatics (Nordisk årsbok i rättsinformatik)
was initiated by the Scandinavian institutes for Law and
Informatics. It was first published in 1984 and during the initial period
a yearbook was produced on an annual basis. From its inception, hundreds
of artides have been published, reflecting developments in
the Scandinavian context and internationally.
The Swedish Law and Informatics Research lnstitute (IRI) is a research
unit at the Faculty of Law, Stockholm University, and was founded in
1968. Having been instrumental in their establishment, IRI has had a
long working relationship with The Swedish Society for IT and Law
(Svenska föreningen för IT och juridik, SIJU) and The Foundation for
Legal Information (Stiftelsen för rättsinformation), operating since 1988.