Formgivare: Anna Blomberg
Redaktör: Edit Sihlberg
ISBN: 9789189270718
Utgiven: 2023-10-12
Format: Bok / Övrigt
Språk: Svenska
Genre: Konst
Edit Sihlberg tog år 2022 emot det första stipendiet som utdelades av Stiftelsen Hilding Linnqvists konst. Under ett knappt år har hon sedan tagit del av den äldre målarkollegans efterlämnade samlingar av måleri och teckningar som finns i hans arkiv i Stockholm. Samtidigt målade hon ett flertal egna verk utifrån erfarenheten av vistelsen i arkivet. Dessa målningar är samlade i denna bok, tillsammans med ett urval av Hilding Linnqvists verk.
Edit Sihlberg (f. 1989) är konstnär verksam i Stockholm. Hon tog sin masterexamen vid Kungl. Konsthögskolan 2022. Utöver Hilding Linnqvist-stipendiet tilldelades hon 2022 Anna-Lisa Thomsons stipendium, samt deltog i stipendiatutställningen på Uppsala konstmuseum samma år.
Hilding Linnqvist (1891 1984) var verksam målare under en stor del av 1900-talet. Hans tidiga måleri kom att kallas naivistiskt och han räknas som den främste av svenska naivister från 1910- och 20-talet.
Edit Sihlberg received the first scholarship to be awarded by the Hilding Linnqvist Art Foundation in 2022. For almost a year since then, she has explored the surviving collection of paintings and drawings of her older artist-colleague at his archive in Stockholm. She has also painted several of her own works during this period based on the experience of her time in the archive. These paintings are collected in this book, together with a selection of Hilding Linnqvist s works.
Edit Sihlberg (b. 1989) is an artist working in Stockholm. She completed her master s degree at the Royal Institute of Art in 2022. In addition to the Hilding Linnqvist scholarship, she was also awarded the Anna-Lisa Thomson scholarship in 2022, as well as taking part in the scholarship exhibition at the Uppsala Art Museum the same year.
Hilding Linnqvist (1891 1984) was an active painter for a large part of the twentieth century. His early painting came to be classified as naïve art and he is considered the foremost of the naïve artists from the 1910s and 1920s.