U.S. and the others. Global media images on “The war on terror”

Redaktör: Rune Ottosen

Redaktör: Stig A Nohrstedt

ISBN: 9789189471245

Utgiven: 2004-06-15

Format: Kartonnage

Språk: Engelska


The 'War on Terror' declared by President George W Bush after the terrible events of September 11, 2001, has already had profound consequences on world political developments and global opinion. Media are - either actively or passively - actors in the resultant propaganda war and can as such influence public opinion. Globalization processes imply transnational mediated flows of meaning at the same time as the perceived meanings vary between cultures and countries. That media divide globally in the coverage of the War on Terror is not only obvious when comparing American and Arab media, but also between the U.S. and Western European media. This has partly to do with the difficult demands on journalists and media as to how to manage the flood of propaganda and the threats to professional integrity and standards.How images of the U.S. and the Others are portrayed by media in various countries after September 11 and the attack on Afghanistan is at the focus of this volume. The book contains a collection of essays by media researchers and journalists with backgrounds from a number of countries.