Cultural Heritage at Risk

Cultural Heritage at Risk

Redaktör: Kurt Almqvist

Redaktör: Louise Belfrage

ISBN: 9789189672833

Utgiven: 2016-10-13

Format: Inbunden

Språk: Engelska

Genre: Samhälle, politik och debatt

How do we protect and safeguard our common cultural heritage in the face of terror and destruction? How have museums faced this difficult task historically? What are the safeguarding methods used today? Which international institutions have the capacity to care for, study, research and disseminate world cultural heritage? What security measures are in place as to keep objects and art works from falling into the wrong hands or being sold on the black market? How can looting be avoided or stopped? What is the historic role and meaning of the object, the artifact, the original, for the collective memory of mankind? These and other questions are discussed throughout this volume of essays written by experts from American, British, Danish, French, German, Jordanian and Swedish institutions. These essays are the result of the international symposium Cultural Heritage at Risk arranged at the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm in November 2015 by Axel and Margaret Ax:son Johnson Foundation.