There will always be those that slam on the brakes & say this is wrong...

Redaktör: Johan Öberg

ISBN: 9789197775830

Utgiven: 2009-10-01

Format: BF

Språk: Svenska

Genre: Konst

There will always be those that slam on the brakes & say this is wrong...

I ArtMonitor 6/2009 förs en diskussion om konstnärlig forskning bland annat utifrån utställningen och seminariet Talkin\' Loud and Sayin\' Something. Uställningen och tillhörande seminarier var en del av ELIAs (European League of Institutes of the Arts) tionde biennala konferens som hölls vid Göteborgs universitet i okt-nov 2008.

Innehåll i ArtMonitor 6/2009:

Kumiko, Johnnies Walker and the Cute - Magnus Bärtås

Omtänkande genom videoessä
Re-thinking though a video essay
Magnus Bärtås
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In-between Research-based practice and practice-based research - Johan Öberg

The delight of giant-slayers or can artists commit their lives to paper? - Raimi Gbadamosi

Talkin\' Loud & Sayin\' Something as Sound Art - Isak Eldh
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Inte Esse Comment - Per Zetterfalk & Per Lysander

\"There will always be those that slam on the brakes & say this is wrong...\" - Sven-Eric Liedman

Adjustable spaces without a fit - Kerstin Sandin Bülow

Review: To be in-between: in search of the artistic subject
Cecilia Lagerström and Jan Ling

Review: One step forward - Dariush Moaven Doust

\"Being democratic and universal you are always under the accusation of being elitist...\", Interview with Boris Groys - Andreas Gedin